Andrew Scott, AI Transformation Manager

Google Cloud

Digesting AI: An Overview of Artificial Intelligence

This presentation provides an overview of AI and Generative AI, starting with the difference between artificial Intelligence and machine learning. We will discuss how to train a model for prediction and show exciting breakthroughs in AI that we use daily, and the rapid advancements that we are making for the future. From there, we will dive into Generative AI key concepts and how it differentiates from standard artificial intelligence. As we move forward, the responsible use of AI and its importance will be discussed. Lastly, we will finish with a demo on how GenAI can be used to drive better, faster decisions.

Speaker/Chair Bio:

Andrew works with Google Cloud’s most strategic customers to create and execute on their Generative AI transformation vision. Holding a wealth of knowledge on real-world applications and industry trends, Andrew continues to be at the forefront of innovation. Prior to Google, Andrew’s journey began at IBM where he helped re-brand and evangelize Watson AI with their most important partners and customers.