Nourishing Careers: Perspectives from Nutrition Trailblazers Trainee Career Panel
The field of nutrition houses an intricate web of possibilities. As trainees, no doubt you are in the midst of major decisions about which pathway(s) you find yourself choosing as you transition into your career, including how your interests, skills, and aspirations align. This dynamic career panel represents a snapshot of the range of possibilities that those with an interest in nutrition may follow. This session will offer optimal opportunities to engage with this panel, ask questions, and gain valuable insights into the wonderful possibilities that await you post-graduation. Following the panel discussion, we hope you will join us for a trainee networking event that will transition into the CNS 2024 Conference opening reception. Don't miss this chance to connect, learn, and set the stage for your future success.
This event is supported by the CIHR INMD Training and Community Support Grant.